May 14 - 20, 2022 Bali, Indonesia

Are you ready to awaken your inner power, your sense of joy & self acceptance?

Join me under a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse for a 7 day, 6 night women's retreat at the beautiful Floating Leaf Resort.

Dive into the depths of your soul to see the beauty of who you are. Finally know what has been blocking you from living your truth. Release all that no longer serves your highest good.

You will emerge feeling radiant, powerful and free.


The last few years have been intense and you’re tired of settling for the status quo yet you have uncertainty about the future and what changes to make. 

Guess what? The universe has got your back….

The Emerge Women’s Retreat takes place over one of the most powerful eclipses of the year. In astrology, the moon represents our inner world and how we feel. It's a key to your soul, your creativity, your power.

Full moons can illuminate our deepest emotions and desires, the ones that hide in the shadows, or just below the surface. Yet while hidden, we know they have a grip on us.

Pura Ulun Danu temple, Bali, Indonesia

The intense, intuitive and transformative Scorpio energy of this moon with the magic of Bali offer up a perfect potion to support you in shedding the past and beginning anew.

During this 7 day, 6 night getaway we will journey together through this eclipse into your soul and back where you will come away with:

  • Clarity on where you’ve been and where you want to go
  • Insight on your soul’s purpose and the map you came here with
  • Feeling lighter as you release what no longer serves you
  • Connection to your inner compass and your own unique intuition
  • Tools to access guidance when you feel stuck

Young woman relaxing on the porch of house with green garden on the background

Transformation doesn't happen overnight. It is multi-layered and takes into account mind, body and soul. The experience during this retreat does exactly that.

Here’s a taste of what else the journey will offer:

  • Guided practices designed to help you see your life from your soul's perspective and tap into your own inner wisdom. This includes using elements of Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys.
  • Balinese cooking lesson. While learning the art of Balinese cuisine we'll explore using food to tune in to your intuitive senses and your body's unique language.
  • Private session with a well respected Balinese healer
  • Intuitive guidance and group energy healing 
  • Purification ceremony at a local Balinese temple
  • Create your own unique piece of spiritual jewelry with a local Balinese silversmith to serve as powerful reminder for the intentions you set while in Bali.
  • Deep connection with like-minded women
  • Plenty of free time to enjoy all the island of Bali has to offer


While this powerful retreat will give you the momentum you need to make the changes you are yearning for, it's important to have support for when you return to your day-to-day life. To support you in fully integrating your experience and maintaining your momentum the retreat package also includes three months of post-retreat support ($1,000 value):

  • 4 group coaching calls
  • Support in private What's App group
  • Two 45 minute 1:1 coaching calls
  • One 75 minute Akashic Reading

Like others, we feel unsettled. If you can see yourself in any of these statements, we welcome you to join us for this intimate group setting of exploration, connection and transformation:

  • There is an inner restlessness that is pushing you towards something yet you can't quite put your finger on it
  • You are in a period of transition or considering making a big life change, yet keep second guessing yourself
  • You feel trapped by the life you've created and are aching for freedom
  • You know you are intuitive yet keep that side of you hidden from others
  • You are curious to explore your intuition or deepen your spirituality and want to do it safely
  • You know you are meant for more but aren't sure what that looks like
  • You are tired of feeling like you are doing it all alone
  • You don't want to be a Bruno (for all you Encanto fans out there!)
  • You are ready to start living life on your terms
  • You want to feel ALIVE and connected to yourself again

What's included:

7 days/6 nights double occupancy room at the award-winning Floating Leaf Resort in Bali, Indonesia. For more details

Three delicious healthy, locally sourced meals prepared daily with love and unlimited fresh fruit.

Daily Yoga

Private session with Balinese Healer

Balinese massage (perfect for relaxing after travel!)

Balinese purification ceremony

Introduction to Balinese culinary techniques

Handcraft your own piece of spiritual jewelry to serve as a powerful reminder of your intentions


+ 3 month post retreat support....designed to help you integrate all that was awakened during our time in Bali. This includes 4 group coaching calls, support in private online community and What's App group

+ One 75 minute Akashic Reading

+ Two 45 minute 1:1 sessions for pre & post retreat support

Investment: $2,700 (based on double occupancy)

Given the unpredictable nature of travel & the world right now, we HIGHLY recommended you purchase travel insurance. LEARN MORE HERE


Join Me

Hello! I'm Jennifer, your facilitator and guide during EMERGE.

As a Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon and Scorpio Rising. I came into this world to deeply understand & master the balance of light & dark, to fearlessly go deep into the darkest of emotions and hold powerful space for transformation and rebirth to occur.

I am a Psychic Medium, a Reiki practitioner, and transformational coach. My intent for this retreat is to create a safe space that serves as a catalyst of transformation as you emerge from the pandemic and step into a life that is aligned, deeply fulfilling and one where you feel fully ALIVE. Learn more about me


Interested but not quite sure if this is for you?

Send me and email or book a call to connect! I'm happy to answer any questions and discuss whether this is the right fit for you at this time in your life.