New Moon Nidra

LIVE @ Source Connection Energy Healing & Wellness Studio in Tempe, AZ

Yoga Nidra, also know as yogic sleep, is an effortless, restorative practice that helps to rejuvenate and renew your body and your mind. The practice of Nidra is done laying down in a supported position (much like savasana in yoga). You are guided into a state of non sleep deep rest. This allows your nervous system to relax and you to access the subconscious allowing for healing & transformation. This is a beautiful practice to help seed intentions for your life and shift subconscious beliefs that might be blocking you.

No experience is needed. Bring a pillow, blanket and whatever you might need to feel comfortable in a laying down position.

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Cost: $20


Full Moon Sound Bath & Meditation

LIVE @ Source Connection Energy Healing & Wellness Studio in Tempe, AZ

In collaboration with Deb Caron of DeMysticism join us for an evening of journaling, meditation and a healing, intuitively guided sound bath. We will harness the power of the full moon and sound to illuminate and clear whatever your soul is ready to release during this part of the cycle.

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Cost: $20

Women's Circle

Craving a community of soul sisters? A safe place to show up authentically and feel seen, heard and valued for who you are? Come sit in circle with a community of like minded women in safe, supportive, judgement free gathering. Each month carries a different theme that invites new perspectives, self reflection and connection. 

Date: 3rd Thursday of the month

Time: 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm

Location: Source Connection Energy Healing & Wellness Studio in Tempe, AZ

Cost: $20